“Take your coffee as a gift!”
Learn more about our pay it forward system!

WHYs of The Local Cup
Why are we a pay-it-forward coffee shop?
Because our mission is to build community. Because people feel welcome when money is not an issue. Because it feels good to pay for your neighbors coffee.
Why don’t we have suggested prices?
Because promoting a gift economy is a radical social action. And, because having to think about that promotes meaningful reflection.
Why don’t we worry that people will “take advantage”?
Because we operate with generosity, not scarcity. Because we trust that people who can, will.
Visit Us!
1009 Portage Avenue
South Bend, IN 46616
Thursday - 7 am - 12:30 pm
Friday - 7 am - 12:30 pm
Saturday - 9 am - 1 pm
Sunday - 12 - 4 pm